
I’m a Seattle-based designer who sees creative opportunities everywhere. As an artist, I get inspired by life’s flotsam, and like to arrange random parts in unexpected ways. As a designer, one of my goals is to simplify the needlessly complex information that pervades our world. For example, this paragraph used to be much longer.

Frequently asked questions

Can I see your resume?

Here is my LinkedIn profile.

Are you available to take on new work?

Not for the foreseeable future. I’ve started a new Sr. UX Design role at Lumen Learning in October 2021.

How can I find out what other stuff you have in the works?

I launched N40clothing in 2018, a culmination of my clothing upcycling experiments. In 2020 I started spending many more hours reading, and in 2021 set the challenge to read 80 books and write short reviews of all of them. You can see a list of all of my 5-star reads here.

Also here is my “Play” site.



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